Two teams with two players in the target areas and the rest in the middle playing zone, the objective is for players to work in a team by passing the ball to score in their target area to score a goal and release the player in the target area.

When team scores and player receives the ball in the target area, that player swaps position with the player that passed the ball to them.
The team not in possession has to intercept the ball – tackling is allowed.
Development - Conditioned game
Use these progressions to manage the activity.

Progression 1
Add additional footballs to increase decision-making. Make team numbers uneven to increase the challenge by creating an overload. Add a thinking zone(s) to support player(s) if required. All players are in the middle playing zone and both teams can score in any target area when a teammate moves into a target area to receive the pass.
Progression 2
Add in 4 goals and bring target players into the middle area to make it more game realistic. Merge two target areas at each end to create new larger target zones, where teams try to successfully pass the ball into the end zone.
Use these ideas to progress and change the activity.

- Adjust the size of the overall area(s) or targets
- Change the passing distance through adapting the space
- Can’t go back into the same corner straight away
- Two touches only
- Pass into target using inside/outside of the foot
- Less dominant foot only
- Add in goals to make the session even more game realistic so players have to pass into the goal
- Overload on one team
- Include ‘floating’ player
- One-to-one marking
- Team targets have to be on opposite corners
- Change the space size(s) to affect the intensity
- Increase/decrease the competition to adjust tempo
Your turn
What do you think of this activity?
What skills do you think this activity develops?
Thinking about STEPS, how would you adapt this activity?
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