
We have made every effort to make accessible and easy to use for everyone, no matter what browser you choose to use, and whether or not you have any disabilities.

The site's layout takes into account users who are blind or visually impaired. It is fully compatible with popular screen reading software.

In technical language, all pages on this site should be valid to Hyper Text Mark-up Language (XHTML) 1.0 Transitional and use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

This website conforms to the UK government guidelines for websites. It also follows the Worldwide Web Consortium's (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, meeting most double-A checkpoints. We are currently updating some features of the site in order to meet all double-A checkpoints.

Maintaining an accessible site is an ongoing process and we are continually working to offer a user friendly experience. However, if you have any problems using this web site please contact us by email

Change text sizes

You can also change the appearance and layout of this site, depending on the browser you are using. Below are guidelines for making changes to text size - which you can always undo.

Internet Explorer 7.0 (Windows)

Select the 'Page' menu, then 'Text Size', and then your chosen size (or if you have a mouse wheel simply hold down CTRL and roll the mouse wheel to alter the text size).

Internet Explorer 6.0 (Windows)

Select the 'View' menu, then 'Text Size', and then your chosen size (or if you have a mouse wheel simply hold down CTRL and roll the mouse wheel to alter the text size).

Internet Explorer 5.5 (Windows, Mac)

Select the 'View' menu, then 'Text Size', and then your chosen size (or if you have a mouse wheel simply hold down CTRL and roll the mouse wheel to alter the text size).

Firefox 1.0+, 1.5 & 2.0

Select the 'View' menu, then 'Text Size', and then select decrease or increase. Alternatively select CTRL + + or CTRL + -.

Opera 7.0+

Select the 'View' menu, then 'Zoom', and then select the percentage increase or decrease you require. Alternatively select CTRL + + or CTRL + -.

Safari 1.2+ (Mac)

Select the 'View' menu, then 'Make Text Bigger' or 'Make Text Smaller'. Alternatively select Apple + + or Apple + -.

This website links to documents and files in a number of formats. You may need special software to read some of these files.

Using Mouse Keys for interactive exercises

If you have difficulty using a mouse or trackpad for our interactive exercises, you can use Mouse Keys to control the mouse pointer using keys on a numeric keypad. You can even click the mouse button and hold it down to drag and drop items on the screen.

Windows 7 and Vista

Open 'Ease of Access Center' by clicking the 'Start' button, clicking 'Control Panel', clicking 'Ease of Access', and then clicking 'Ease of Access Center'. Click 'Make the mouse easier to use'. Under 'Control the mouse with the keyboard', select the 'Turn on Mouse Keys' check box.

Windows XP

To turn on Mouse Keys, open 'Accessibility Options', click the 'Mouse' tab, and then select the 'Use MouseKeys' check box.

Mac OS

Turn on Mouse Keys in 'Universal Access' preferences.

Moving the pointer using Mouse Keys

After you turn on Mouse Keys, you can use the numeric keypad to move the mouse.

To move the mouse pointerPress

Up and to the left7


Up and to the right9



Down and to the left1


Down and to the right3

Clicking items using Mouse Keys

After moving the pointer using the numeric keypad, you can click items on your screen.

ToDo this

Click an itemPoint to the item, and then press 5

Dragging items using Mouse Keys

You can use the numeric keypad to press and hold the mouse button and to release it. This is helpful if you want to drag an item.

ToDo this

Drag an itemPoint to the item, and then press zero (0)

Drop the itemPoint to the location where you want to move the item, and then press the decimal point (.)

Note: In Windows XP to move the mouse pointer horizontally or vertically, press the arrow keys on your numeric keypad. To move the pointer diagonally, press 'Home', End', 'Page Up', or 'Page Down' on your numeric keypad. To hold down the mouse button, press the 'Insert' key on your numeric keypad and to release the mouse button, press the 'Delete' key on your numeric keypad.