The training has enhanced participation, enjoyment, and skill development

Thando is a Primary School educator at Edalinceba Primary School in Gauteng East, teaching Life Skills and Physical Education. He is also currently studying towards a Bachelor of Education degree, specializing in the intermediate and senior phases of education. 

Thando Qashani's experience

What I like most about teaching PE and coaching football is seeing my learners' understanding and development of Life Skills improve. I’ve been able to implement Premier Skills activities and models, building on my knowledge base. I believe we should always be learning something new, and through observing and applying different practices, I’ve been exposed to new curriculum approaches and games I hadn’t encountered before, delivered by Graham Robinson and the Premier Skills Coach educators.

Through the Premier Skills Physical Education programme, I’ve mastered basic movements and developed the ABCs components of physical education. I’ve learned how to keep children safe, apply SMILES when coaching, and plan effective coaching sessions. The programme also taught me the importance of effective questioning during reflections.

One of the biggest takeaways has been the focus on maximum participation, enjoyment, and skill development during PE sessions. This holistic approach, incorporating SMILES, STEPS, and LTPD, has been successfully applied in my coaching.

Thando Qashani surrounded by his Premier Skills course mates

The Premier Skills training has been a great success, broadening my skills and knowledge in delivering PE and Life Skills to Primary School learners. It has enhanced participation, enjoyment, and skill development during PE sessions, using a holistic approach with SMILES, STEPS, and LTPD. I’ve applied new practices and games I hadn’t encountered before, which has deepened my learners' understanding of Life Skills.

The training also helped me rethink my methods, leading to 'Aha' moments where I realized I could adapt new information to improve my PE sessions. I’ve become more creative and impactful in my approach, sharing these insights with others. Additionally, I restructured the learners' code of conduct, improving discipline and setting clear expectations for behaviour in and out of the classroom.

The biggest change I’ve seen in my learners is their increased understanding and development of Life Skills. By implementing Premier Skills activities and models, I’ve built on their knowledge base and introduced new practices, games, and curriculum ideas that I hadn’t seen before, inspired by Graham Robinson and the Premier Skills Coach educators.

PE has also had a noticeable impact on school attendance, as well as improving learners' thinking and communication skills. It has also inspired greater engagement and participation during PE sessions.