The Premier League

We asked stars from the Premier League a series of questions about football, culture and English. In this video, the players talk about coming to the Premier League. What do the players say about the fans, teammates and life in the Premier League? Watch the video and find out!

Watch the video and then complete the activities by clicking LEARN below and tell us what you think by clicking on TALK AND QUIZ.

This video was recorded during the 2013/14 season.

Player Interviews   Coming to the Premier League

Complete the activities

Activity 1: The Premier League players talked about different things they like about coming to the Premier League. In this first activity, you have to match the players with what they said about life in the Premier League.

Activity 2: In this activity, you have to fill in the gaps by using some of the vocabulary the players used in the video.

Activity 3: In the video, Ashkan Dejagah said, 'If I always speak German, I'll never learn English.' This is an example of a conditional sentence. In this activity, you have to rearrange the sentences to make conditional sentences. Do you agree with what the sentences say?

What do you think?

Is the Premier League popular in your country?

What's the best thing about the Premier League?

Do you prefer the Premier League or your domestic league?

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