Two: Soccer Skills
Read chapter two of Goal! and do the activities.

Is your morning routine like Josh's?
Click on the audio to listen to everything in the Goal! comic.

Josh meets Sung - a coach at Big City United.

The warm up.

It's too much for some but not Josh Jones!

Dribbling skills.

Shooting skills.

Practice makes perfect!

Josh listens to Coach Sung's advice.
Soccer Skills
Josh and his friends took part in a soccer skills day. Can you complete these two activities with the information from the story?
Activity 1: In this activity, you need to put the events from the story into the correct order.
Activity 2: In this activity, there are sentences about the story. Can you fill in the gaps in the sentences?
What do you think?
Are you good at football?
Would you like to go to a soccer skills day?
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