Read chapter six of Goal! and do the activities.

What's your favourite day of the week?
Click on the audio to listen to everything in the Goal! comic.

Have you ever scored a free-kick?

Saturday is match day!

Do you know the difference between fair play and foul play?

What is self control?

What does Dan need to learn?

Why is Dan sad?

Why does Dan not tell his mum about what happened?
Dan's story
In chapter six, you met Dan. Can you complete these two activities with the information from the story?
Activity 1: In this activity, you have to match up two halves of sentences. In the first half, there is a statement and the linking word 'because'' You have to match the reasons that go with the statements.
Activity 2: In this activity, there are conditional sentences with the verbs from the 'if' clauses missing. You have to match the verbs with the consequences.
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