Seven: The Burglary

Read chapter seven of Goal! and do the activities.

Chapter 7 - p1

Who are the two men?

Click on the audio to listen to everything in the Goal! comic.

Chapter 7 - p2

What do the men want?

Chapter 7 - p3

Do you think Rodney will set off the alarm?

Chapter 7 - p4

Rodney gets to the trophy.

Chapter 7 - p5

Do you think they will get away?

Chapter 7 - p6

Do they have the fastest car?

Chapter 7 - p7

Is the car big?

Chapter 7 - p8

Is Rodney a good driver?

The Burglary

In chapter seven, you read about Boss and Rodney as they stole the championship trophy. Now complete the activities.

Activity 1: In this activity, you need to match Josh's information with some questions.

Activity 2: In this activity, you have to match the words from the story with the pictures.


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