chapter 9
Nine: The Cunning Plan

Read chapter nine of Goal! and do the activities.

What do you think is Ali's plan?

What do you think is Ali's plan?

Click on the audio to listen to everything in the Goal! comic.

The team surprise the robbers.

The team surprise the robbers.

The team think the plan has worked.

The team think the plan has worked.

The plan goes wrong.

The plan goes wrong.

Ali grabs the trophy.

Ali grabs the trophy.

Will the team escape?

Will the team escape?

Getting the trophy back to the stadium.

Getting the trophy back to the stadium.

Would this be a good film?

Would this be a good film?

The cunning plan

In chapter nine, Ali had a plan to get the trophy. 

Activity 1: In this activity, you need fill in the gaps in the story that Tom tells Coach Sung.

Activity 2: In this activity, you have to complete Coach Sung's questions with the correct question words.


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