In this issue, Budi learns that it can be dangerous to meet up with someone that you meet online.

Page 1: Budi meets a girl.

Page 2: Adhi gives Budi some advice.
At the beginning of the story, Budi tells Adhi and Santi that he is going to meet a girl that he has met on Facebook. Why might this be a bad idea?
Activity 1: In this activity, have a look at each question and decide which is the best answer. Then, think if you have ever spoken to someone that you have only ever met online.

Page 3: Rini tells Budhi not to meet someone alone.

Page 4: The Trick.

Page 5: Staying Safe Online.
During the story, Budi makes plans to meet at a cafe and then go to the cinema. Budi and Santi use the present continuous ('to be' in the present tense + verb + ing) to show this:
"Where are you meeting this girl?"
"We're watching a film at the cinema."
Have a go at the activity below to practise more of these types of sentence. If you want to know more, check out the Grammar Pages on our Learn English website.
Activity 2: In this activity, learn more about the present continuous for future plans.

Page 6: Tips to stay safe online.

Page 7: Tips to stay safe online.

Page 8: A happy ending.
There were quite a few difficult words and phrases in this issue of the comic. Look at these expressions with 'get'. Do you know what they mean?
"Get lost, Hendro!"
"We get on really well."
Have a go at the activity below and learn some more expressions with 'get'.
Activity 3: 'Get' is one of the most useful words in English and it has many different meanings. In this activity, put the words in the correct place to complete the sentences.
What do you think?
Why shouldn't you meet people you meet online?
What are some of the possible dangers of meeting people you meet online?
What other dangers can young people face when using the internet?
Tell us your answers in the comments section below.
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