Fit to Play

In this issue, Budi learns that he needs to train if he wants to be as good as he can be. 

Page 1. Extra training.

Page 1. Extra training.

Page 2. The wrong attitude.

Page 2. The wrong attitude.

At the beginning of the story, Budi has no interest in training, he's only interested in playing. Why is it important to train? In this first activity, think about why it's important to train and what might happen if you don't do any training or exercise. 

Activity 1: What can exercise do for you? Budi has no interest in training, but exercise has lots of benefits. In this activity, look at the questions and decide if they are true or false?

Page 3. Not fit enough to play.

Page 3. Not fit enough to play.

Page 4. A warning from the coach.

Page 4. A warning from the coach.

Page 5. Learning to train.

Page 5. Learning to train.

Grammar - 'as + adjective + as'

We can use the structure 'as + adjective + as' to compare two different things. When we want to say that two things are the same or equal in some way, we can say 'as + adjective + as' to talk about this. Look at these examples:

"This season, the Premier League is as popular as always."

"The world's biggest tomato is as big as a football."

We use 'not as + adjective + as' to talk about something that is not the same or not equal in some way. Look at this examples from the comic:

"Training is not as good as playing."

We also use 'as + adjective + as' to talk about what is possible. In the comic, Rini said:

"Coach Novi wants us to be as fit as possible."

Sometimes we can also use an adverb in this structure. Here are some other examples of using the '' structure to talk about possibilities.

"I wanted to get home, so I ran as quickly as I could."

"Can you call me as soon as possible, please?"

Now, have a look at the activity below to check your understanding. If you want to know more, check out the Grammar Pages on our Learn English website.

Page 6. Extra training.

Page 6. Extra training.

Page 7. Training pays off.

Page 7. Training pays off.

Page 8. A promise.

Page 8. A promise.


There were quite a few difficult words and phrases in this issue of the comic. For example:

"I need to come off. I'm exhausted!"

"I wanted extra-time. It's a pity we won!"

Have a go at the activity below and see if any of the words or expressions are new for you.

Activity 3: In this activity, you have to match the phrases from the story with the descriptions.


What do you think?

Why didn't Budi want to train?
Why is training or doing exercise important in daily life?
What regular exercise do you do? Do you enjoy it?
Is diet as important as exercise? Why/Why not?

Tell us your answers in the comments section below.

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