Don't throw that away!

In this issue, the team think about what they can do to clean up the environment in their neighbourhood. 

Page 1. The Problem

Page 1. The Problem

Page 2. Who is responsible?

Page 2. Who is responsible?

At the beginning of the story, the team think that environmental problems are caused by factories, car drivers and big businesses. They don't realise that they can be more environmentally friendly, too. In this first activity, think about different actions you can do in your everyday life and decide if they are helpful to the environment or harmful to the environment.

Activity 1: The team need have been asked to think about what they can do to help the environment. To help the environment we need to know what actions are harmful to the environment and what actions aren't. In this activity, put the actions into 2 groups: things that are harmful to our environment and things that are friendly. Which ones do you do?

Page 3. A bad example.

Page 3. A bad example.

Page 4. Learning about recycling.

Page 5. The plan.

We often use pronouns to avoid repeating the same word in our writing or when we are speaking. There are many different types of pronouns. Pronouns include: he, she, it, we, they, his, their, who, one and ones. There were a few examples in the comic, in the first two examples the noun is replaced with the pronoun 'it'. It's not necessary to repeat the noun again and again:

"She probably wants us to tidy this place up!" "Yeah, it's a bit of a mess!"

"I always recycle paper so it can be used again."

In this example, the noun is replaced with ones because the noun 'sandals' is plural. We often use 'one' or 'ones' to substitute countable nouns so we don't need to repeat them:

Rini: "I need some new sandals. Do you want to come to the shopping centre?" Santi: "Do you really need some new ones. You only bought those ones last week." Rini: "I've seen some really cool ones in my favourite shop."

Now, have a look at the activity below to check your understanding. If you want to know more, check out the Grammar Pages on our Learn English website.

Activity 2: We use 'one' or ones' to replace or substitute countable nouns. Have a go at this activity and decide if you should use 'one' or ones'.

Page 6. The beach.

Page 6. The beach.

Page 7. Taking action.

Page 7. Taking action.

Page 8. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Page 8. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

There were quite a few difficult words and phrases in this issue of the comic. For example:

"They want us to show how we can be more environmentally friendly."

"It's the factories and cars that make all the pollution."

Have a go at the activity below and see if any of the words or expressions are new for you.

Activity 3: In this activity, you have to match the words and phrases from the story with the descriptions.


What do you think?

Why is it important to reuse, reduce and recycle?
Do you reuse things or do you throw them away? Why?
Is it easy to recycle things where you live?
Do you think it is important to buy fewer things? Why? Why not?

This is the final issue of Five United! Did you read every issue? Did you enjoy them? Which one did you like best?

Tell us your answers in the comments section below.

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