Sport and Inclusion

In this issue, the team from Monte Verde are joined for training by some children with disabilities. 

Page 1: Lucas is injured and bored.

Page 1: Lucas is injured and bored.

Page 2: Getting around is a problem.

Page 2: Getting around is a problem.


At the beginning of the story, Lucas has some problems getting to the eductional centre by public transport. What problems can people with disabilities have when trying to get from one place to another?

Activity 1: People with disabilities can often have problems getting from one place to another, especially if they don't have their own transport. In this activity, match the barriers or obstacles they face with one possible solution to help people with disabilities.

Page 3: The invitation.

Page 3: The invitation.

Language - Refusing

During the story, Filipe refuses to play with the kids from the educational centre. He uses different phrases to refuse to do something. For example:

"What's the point!?"

"You can count me out!"

Have a go at the activity below to learn more phrases to refuse to do something and also to accept doing something.

Activity 2: In the story, Filipe and Bruno responded quite negatively to working with the kids from the educational centre. In this activity, put the different phrases into the correct categories: positive, negative or neutral.

Page 4: Playing together.

Page 4: Playing together.

Page 5: Filipe refuses to join in.

Page 5: Filipe refuses to join in.

Page 6: A change of heart.

Page 6: A change of heart.


There were quite a few difficult words and phrases in this issue of the comic. For example:

"Ready to play you off the park, Lucas!"

"He can suit himself, but I’m not playing."

Have a go at the activity below and see if any of the expressions are new for you.

Activity 3: There were some difficult phrases and words in this issue of The Beautiful Game. How much did you understand?

Page 7: The final test.

Page 7: The final test.

Page 8: Teamwork

Page 8: Teamwork


What do you think?

Why didn't Felipe want to play at first?
What difficulties do people with disabilities have in your country?
How can sport help people with disabilities in your community?
Tell us your answers in the comments section below.

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