In this issue, Coach Orlando tells Lucas a story about Bryan, who joined a local gang and learned a painful lesson.

Activity 1: To help your English, it's important to think about a story as you read it. In this activity, try to predict what is going to happen next. The answers are not important but it is important that you think about the story.
Can you predict what will happen in this story? (no correct answers)

In this episode, Coach Orlando tells Lucas how his friend, Bryan, started to change when he met the gang. Have a look at these two sentences:
"Bryan started skipping school."
"Bryan started hanging out with other friends."
When one verb is followed by another, the second verb can either be an infinitive or, like in the examples above, an -ing form. It is possible to change the sentences above without changing the meaning:
"Bryan started to skip school."
"Bryan started to hang out with other friends."
But, with other verbs, it is often only possible to use one type of verb or changing the verb type also changes the meaning. Have a go at this activity to learn more:
Activity 2: Do you know when to use the infinitive or the -ing form? Have a go at this activity and see how much you understand.

During the story, there was some difficult vocabulary. If there were some words you didn't understand, have a go at this activity. Afterwards, remember to record your vocabulary in your notebook, alternatively, there are some great apps you can use on your computer, tablet or smartphone. Here are a couple of suggestions:
Activity 3: There were a few difficult words in the comic. In this activity, match the definitions to the words you read in the comic.

What do you think?
Do you think Bryan made the right decision to leave the gang? Why/why not?
Why do you think young people sometimes join gangs?
Are there lots of things to do in your neighbourhood? How can sport help young people in your community?
Tell us your answers in the comments section below.
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