In this issue, Bruno learns that he needs take part in training as well as matches if he wants to improve as a player.

Page 1: Hard work at training.

Page 2: Bruno misses training.
At the beginning of the story, Bruno has little interest in training, he just wants to play. Why is it important to train? In this first activity, think about why it's important to train and what might happen if you don't do any training or regular exercise.
Activity 1: What can exercise do for you? Bruno has no interest in training, but exercise has lots of benefits. In this activity, look at the questions and decide if they are true or false?

Page 3: Not fit enough.

Page 4: Bruno doesn't want to train.

Page 5: Bruno agrees to train with Filipe.
Grammar - Multi-Word Verbs
There are lots of multi-word verbs or phrasal verbs in English and somtimes it can be difficult to learn them all. Sometimes it is easy to guess the meaning of a multi-word verb:
"Bruno was so tired he let his opponent run straight past him."
But, sometimes, it can be more difficult, and you might need to look them up in a dictionary:
"Sorry, I didn't understand. Can you run that past me again?"
And some mult-word verbs have three rather than two words to remember:
"He can’t keep up with the play."
There were a few multi-word verbs in this issue of the comic, have a go at the activity and see if you can match the multi-word verb to the right definition to check your understanding. If you want to know more about multi-word verbs, check out the Grammar Pages on our Learn English website.
Activity 2: We've been looking at multi-part verbs in this issue of the comic. Have a go at this activity and see if you can match some of the phrasal verbs from the comic with their definitions.

Page 6: Extra training.

Page 7: Bruno is fitter than ever.

Page 8: Bruno plans to stay fit and healthy.
There were quite a few difficult words and phrases in this issue of the comic. For example:
"I think I pulled a muscle so I went home early."
"You got up and down the pitch really well."
Have a go at the activity below and see if any of the words or expressions are new for you.
Activity 3: There were some difficult words in this issue of the comic. In this activity, you have to match the words and phrases to their meanings.
What do you think?
Why didn't Bruno want to train?
What regular exercise do you do? Is today's lifestyle causing health problems in your country? Why/Why not?
Which Premier League player do you think others have the most problems keeping up with?
How do you learn phrasal verbs in English?
Tell us your answers in the comments section below.
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