Don't throw that away!

In this issue, the team think about what they can do to clean up the environment on a global and a local level.

Page 1: What's the problem?

Page 1: What's the problem?

Page 2: What's the plan?

Page 2: What's the plan?


At the beginning of the story, the team think that environmental problems are caused by factories, car drivers and big businesses. They don't realise that they can be more environmentally friendly, too. In this first activity, think about different actions you can do in your everyday life and decide if they are helpful to the environment or harmful to the environment.

Activity 1: The team need have been asked to think about what they can do to help the environment. To help the environment we need to know what actions are harmful to the environment and what actions aren't. In this activity, put the actions into 2 groups: things that are harmful to our environment and things that are friendly. Which ones do you do?

Page 3: Are Clara and Julia thinking about the environment?

Page 3: Are Clara and Julia thinking about the environment?

Page 4: Learning about recycling.

Page 4: Learning about recycling.

Page 5: What can be recycled?

Page 5: What can be recycled?

Grammar - Modal Verbs

We can use modal verbs to talk about possibility. We use 'could', 'might' and 'may' to talk about something that is possible in the future but not 100% certain. Look at these examples:

"I'm not sure, maybe we could do something."

"We might score, but there are only 10 minutes left."

We can use 'must' to talk about something that is 100% certain or that we are sure about. Look at these examples:

"You must be joking!"

"It's 10-0! The goalkeeper must be really, really bad!"

We can use 'should' and 'ought to' to give advice or make suggestions. Look at these examples from the comic:

"We ought to recycle our rubbish."

"We shouldn't throw things away."

Now, have a look at the activity below to check your understanding. If you want to know more, check out the Grammar Pages on our Learn English website.

Activity 2: In this activity, take a look at some sentences and decide which modal verb you should use: must, might, can't, could or should?

Page 6: The local beach.

Page 6: The local beach.

Page 7: What action do the team take?

Page 7: What action do the team take?

Page 8: A cleaner neighbourhood.

Page 8: A cleaner neighbourhood.


There were quite a few difficult words and phrases in this issue of the comic. For example:

"They want us to show how we can be more environmentally friendly."

"It's the factories and cars that make all the pollution."

Have a go at the activity below and see if any of the words or expressions are new for you.

Activity 3: There were some difficult phrases and words in this issue of 'The Beautiful Game'. How much did you understand?


What do you think?

Why did the team decide to start being more environmentally friendly?
Do you reuse, reduce and recycle things you don't need? Why should you do this?
What are the biggest environmental problems in your country?
What solutions can be achieved locally and what needs to be done globally?

Tell us your answers in the comments section below.

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