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Telling the Time

Watch Dev from India and Ana from Brazil in Manchester's Museum of Science and Industry. The players are trying to find their way to a show inside the museum. They need to ask about the times of the show and where the theatre is. Will they find the theatre? Will they get to the show on time?

After you have watched the video, click on the learn tab below, where there are some activities to complete. Finally, there's a quiz to check what you remember!

Ana asking for help at the science museum.

Ana asking for help at the science museum.

Asking and understanding the time

The following activities will help you learn some tricky phrases to tell the time. 

Activity 1: In this activity, read the statements and decide if they are true or false.

Activity 2: In this activity, look at the different times and choose the correct phrase.

Dev didn't do so well in this episode.

Dev didn't do so well in this episode.

Activity 3: In this activity, see if you can remember the phrases about time, and write them in the correct place.

Your turn

Ana won this episode, but both players got what they wanted.

Have you ever been to a science museum?

Are science museums more interesting than traditional museums and art galleries?

In the UK, arriving on time is important. Is it always important to be on time in your country?

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