Watch Yunjin from South Korea and Fernando from Spain as they go shopping in a boutique. The players are looking for something new to wear at the weekend. They need to ask the shop assistant for some help. Will they find something that fits them? Will they find something that suits them? Find out in this episode of The English Game.

Fernando wants to buy something in the fashion boutique. What did he buy?
Shopping at a fashion boutique
The following activities will help you, if you are shopping at a clothes boutique in the UK.
Activity 1: In this activity, read the statements and decide if they are true or false.
Activity 2: Match the phrases from the video with the descriptions.

Fernando did some successful shopping in this episode!
Your turn
Fernando won this episode. He got something that fitted him and something that suited him.
Have you ever had any problems when shopping?
Have you ever bought something that didn't fit you?
Have you ever bought something that didn't suit you?
What did you buy the last time you went shopping for clothes?
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