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Buying a mobile phone

Watch our new players, Mei-Li and Ana, as they use their English to buy a mobile phone in the UK. Who will be the winner?

Ana is new to the UK and wants to buy a mobile phone

Ana is new to the UK and wants to buy a mobile phone

Learn how to buy a mobile phone

The following activities will help you, if you need to buy a mobile phone in the UK. The first activity is an activity that helps you with some important vocabulary. 

Activity 1: In this activity, you have to match some words about mobile phones to their definitions. Now you have looked at the facts and figures, can you answer some more detailed questions?

Activity 2: In this next activity, choose the best option. Can you get all the answers correct? If you get some of the answers wrong, go back and watch the video again.

Activity 3: In this activity, practise some common phrases that you can use in shops. These will be very useful if you ever visit the UK or another English speaking country. Can you put the words in the correct place?

Your turn

Did you enjoy this episode of The English Game?

Who do you think won? Have you ever tried buying a mobile phone in English?

What other language problems do you think you might have in the UK?

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