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At the National Football Museum

Watch our new players, Dev and Fernando, as they challenge each other to a penalty shoot-out at the National Football Museum. Who will be the winner?

After you have watched the video, look at the Learn section and then try the Quiz to see how much you remember.

Dev museum.png

At the National Football Museum

The following activities will help you understand the video. The activities will help you understand some of the words and phrases that are connected to penalty shoot-outs. 

Activity 1: In this activity, you have to match some phrases about penalty shoot-outs to their definitions. Watch the video again to hear the phrases in context. Which of these things do you think is most important when you take a penalty?

Activity 2: In this next activity, choose the best option. Can you get all the answers correct? If you get some of the answers wrong, go back and watch the video again.

Activity 3: In this activity, put together some of the sentences from the video. These phrases are often used to describe penalty kicks. Watch the video again if you can't remember.

Your turn

Did you enjoy this episode of The English Game?

Would you like to visit a football museum? What do you think you can see and do there?
Do you think a penalty shoot-out is a good way to finish a match? What important penalty shoot-outs can you remember?

Let us know in the comments section below.

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