Watch Dev from India and Fernando from Spain visit the barber's.
Getting your hair cut when you are abroad can be scary. The language related to getting a haircut is very specific and rarely used away from the barbershop.
The challenge this week is all about communicating with the barber.
Who do you think will win?

Dev is trying to explain to the barber how he wants his hair cut.
Language you need at the barbers!
The following activities will help you if you need to have a haircut in the UK. The first activity is a comprehension activity that should help you notice the important language in the video.
Activity 1: In this activity, you have to put the events from the video into the correct order.
Activity 2: In this next activity, you have to match the barber's equipment with the names.
Activity 3: In this activity, you have to read some descriptions of haircuts and match them with their names. If you are not sure, you should use a google image search.
Your turn
What hairstyle do you have?
How often do you go to the barbers or hairdressers?
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