Speaking Skills: Pitching a product

In this week's Premier Skills English Podcast, Jack and Rich ask you to invest in a product they have invented. We give you an imaginary £100 million and you have to listen to Jack and Rich's sales pitches and decide which product to invest your money in. The language focus is on phrases we use in sales pitches and words connected to making money. Your task this week is to write a sales pitch for your own product. Don't forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess, too. Enjoy!

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If the listening was a bit difficult, you can listen again and read the transcript at the same time.

Read the transcript and listen at the same time.

How much did you understand?

In the podcast, Rich and Jack used some words and phrases that might be new for you. Do you know the words in bold?

I’ve got an idea for a new product and I’ve got a prototype, too.

I just need some money to get going.

The system is created in a completely sustainable and environmentally friendly manner.

There were a few more tricky words and phrases in the podcast. Do you know what they all mean? Try the activity below, then, listen to the podcast again to hear how we used the words. This can really help your understanding.

Activity 1: In this activity, try to match the words and phrases to their definitions. All of the words were in this week's podcast.

Jack's sales pitch involves bracelets like these being transformed into powerful smartphones.

Jack's sales pitch involves bracelets like these being transformed into powerful smartphones.

Sales Pitches

In the podcast, Jack and Rich gave two sales pitches. A sales pitch is a prepared talk or speech when you try to persuade someone to buy or invest in something. They said that the two most important things in sales pitches are to be concise (short and clear) and persuasive. Let's look at some phrases that they used in the podcast which will help you create your own sales pitch at the end of this lesson.

Starting a sales pitch:

When we want someone to buy or invest in something we usually emphasise that they will be getting some positive out of the investment. Look at these examples from the podcast:

I want to give you the opportunity to invest in a new type of bracelet.

I’m here today to offer you something that is too good to turn down.

Positive adjectives:

Sales pitches are always positive and usually include strong adjectives to show this:

This ground-breaking new project ...

It will be a huge success.

Showing confidence:

When giving a sales pitch, people also show confidence in their product and their team:

We are convinced that electromagnetic energy will be the next breakthrough product.

We have a strong track record in sustainable energy.

The project already has the backing of a group of investors.

Listing things:

It's also common to list positive things for potential investors to emphasise things. This is often done by using the phrase 'not only':

My idea will not only make the world a better place but also make you money.

Not only can also be moved to the beginning of a sentence for extra emphasis:

Not only will my idea make the world a better place but also make you money.

Take a look at the following activity. Can you choose the right word?

Activity 2: In this activity, try to remember some of the words connected to sales pitches that Jack and Rich introduced in the podcast.

Rich's sales pitch is about steps that generate electricity when people climb them.

Rich's sales pitch is about steps that generate electricity when people climb them.

Investing Money

In the podcast, Jack and Rich were asking people to invest money in their ideas. Look at these sentences and see how the word 'invest' is used:

We're looking people to invest in this fantastic new project.

We're looking for investors who will invest up to £100,000.

If you make an investment we can promise great returns on your investment.

Another word that was used in different ways was 'market' Look at these sentences and see how the word 'invest' is used::

The smart bracelet will be one of the most powerful smartphones on the market.

Sustainable energy is a competitive market.

There is a huge market for mobile phones in the world today; the market for electronic Arsenal slippers isn't as clear.

What is your target market?

Take a look at the next activity. Can you choose the right words for each gap?

Activity 3: In this activity check your understanding of vocabulary connected to investing money.

Have you ever seen gloves like these?

Have you ever seen gloves like these?

Could we have robots working as assistant referees?

Could we have robots working as assistant referees?

Pitch a Product

This week's task is to write a short sales pitch. You can write a 'pitch' for one of these three products:

  1. Product 1: Football gloves and ball which use powerful magnetic energy. Impress your friends with your goalkeeping skills. Your friends will shoot and the ball will ‘magically’ be attracted to the gloves.
  2. Product 2: Robot assistant referee: A robot with built-in cameras and all the latest technology. There will never be an incorrect offside decision with these robots and decisions will always be made immediately, so no need for VAR.
  3. Product 3: Invent your own product and write a sales pitch. Your product doesn’t need to be connected to the football.

Read other 'pitches' and ask questions about the products and say if you would invest or not.

Don't forget to say if you would invest your money in Rich's product or Jack's product and make a guess at this week's football phrase. Write all your answers in the comments section below.

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