Speaking Skills: Invitations
Jack: Hello my name’s Jack
Rowan: My name’s Rowan
Rich: and I’m Rich and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast.
Jack: In the Premier Skills English podcast, we talk about football and help you with your English.
Rowan: Don’t forget you can find the transcript for all our podcasts on the Premier Skills English website.
Rich: In this week’s roleplay we’re planning a surprise party for a friend, but not everything goes according to plan.
Jack: What can go wrong with surprise parties? You’ll find out in a couple of minutes.
Rowan: You’ll hear the roleplay in three parts and after each part, we will look at some language. This week we’re going to focus on speaking skills and the phrases we use when we want to invite someone to a party or other event.
Jack: And also what we say when we need to say no to an invitation.
Rich: Your task this week is to use some of this language to invite other listeners to an interesting event that you are planning.
Jack: And we also want you to use the language we introduce in the podcast to say no or turn down these invitations.
Rowan: If you are listening to us on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or any other podcast platform, you should also check out our website.
Rich: On the Premier Skills English website, you’ll find
the transcript, examples and activities to help you understand the language, and a task for you to complete with other listeners.
Jack: Before we do the roleplays let’s look back at last week’s football phrase.
Last week’s Football Phrase
Jack: OK, our football phrase. If you’ve not listened to the podcast before, every week we set our listeners a challenge. We explain a football phrase or word and you have to guess what it is.
Rich: When you know the answer, go to the podcast page on the Premier Skills English website and write the word or phrase in the comments. If you’re correct we’ll announce your name on next week’s podcast.
Rowan: Thanks for all your answers and guesses last week - it was quite a tough phrase. The first listener with the correct answer was MoBeckham from Turkey - well done Mo!
Jack: We also need to congratulate MohamedKuna from Sudan who got the correct answer with their first guess.
Rich: Congratulations also go to: Alex and Luibomyr from Ukraine, Wsanta from Argentina, Marco Zapien from Mexico and Jacek-Poland from Poland.
Rowan: Later on, at the end of the podcast, we’ll tell you the answer to last week’s football phrase but we’re going to give you one more chance to guess now. Are you ready?
Jack: Last week’s football phrase was * ****** ****. I think this is a very strange phrase - we all know that a football is round not ******! The phrase describes a pass that goes sideways across the pitch - not forwards or backwards. An attacker might play * ****** **** to a teammate that is in space.
Rich: Last week’s podcast was about well-being. We spoke about sleep and relaxation. In the roleplay, I was speaking about my unhealthy routines and Jack was trying to help me.
Rowan: And we asked you about your daily routines and whether they are healthy or not.
Jack: Kazu from Japan gets up very early - at around 5:30 a.m. and he goes to play football! That is real dedication Kazu and sounds very healthy to me.
Rich: Abdlrhmn from Egypt is also an early-riser he gets up at seven and works out at home using a fitness app. He also listens to the latest Premier Skills English podcast if he hasn’t listened to it already. That’s very nice to hear, Abdlrhmn!
Rowan: And HSN from Turkey is another early bird. We also learned that the phrase ‘the early bird catches the worm’ is the same and has the same meaning in both English and Turkish!
Rich: I don’t know how to say it in Turkish though - maybe you can let us know HSN.
Jack: HSN also used lots of the vocabulary from last week’s lesson in his comment: first thing, full of beans, switching off and checking in with people.
Rowan: If you haven’t heard this podcast and you want to learn some of this vocabulary connected to sleep and relaxing it’s called Well-being 2: Sleep and Relaxation ... and you can find it on the Premier Skills English website or on Apple Podcasts.
Introduction to roleplay 1
Jack: As we said earlier, in this week’s roleplay we’re planning a surprise birthday party for our friend Jo. You’ll hear the roleplay in three parts. After each part, we will look at some language for you to learn or revise.
Rich: You’re about to listen to the first part of the roleplay.
Rowan: While you listen we want you to answer a question.
Rich: The question is: Who’s going to invite Jo somewhere on Saturday?
Roleplay 1
Rowan: So ... Jo’s birthday.
Rich: Yeah, it’s on Saturday, isn’t it?
Jack: What are we going to do? Do you think we should throw her a party?
Rowan: Absolutely ... A surprise party!
Rich: Brilliant. So ... Where?
Rowan: We could have it in my garden. The weather’s supposed to be great this weekend.
Jack: We’ll need to sort out food and drinks and invite some people.
Rich: We’ll need to sort out the music, too. I’ll bring my new Bluetooth speaker. It’s really loud.
Rowan: Yes, bring your speaker, but I’ll choose the music, not you! Your taste in music is rubbish!
Jack: OK, good. But how do we get Jo to the surprise party without her knowing?
Rich: We need to invite her to something else and pretend we’ve totally forgotten about her birthday.
Rowan: Sorry guys. I’ve got football training. I’ve got to run. Let’s talk more about this on Thursday and I’ll give Jo a ring and invite her to ... something else …
Jack: What was that last thing Rowan said?
Rich: Not sure. OK, we’ll speak about the party on Thursday. I’m in charge of the music and the drinks.
Jack: And I’ll get the food and we mustn’t forget to call Jo. She should be at Rowan’s at two.
Rich: Yes, call Jo; the party’s at two. I love surprise parties.
Language focus 1
Rowan: Before the roleplay, we asked you a question. The question was: Who’s going to invite Jo somewhere on Saturday?
Jack: Well, the answer is not totally clear and that is the problem. Rowan said she would invite her to something, but we didn’t really hear her.
Rowan: And then Rich and Jack mentioned calling Jo. This may create a problem, but first let’s look at some language.
Jack: Today, we want to focus on invitations and the language you can use to make and decline invitations but we haven’t got to that part of the roleplay yet. However, we did use some interesting language.
Rich: Did you notice that we used ‘will’ a lot in the first part of the roleplay?
Jack: One of the most common uses of ‘will’ is to make decisions as we speak. In the roleplay, we were organising a surprise party and we made lots of decisions about who will do what. Listen:
Rich: We’ll need to sort out the music, too. I’ll bring my new Bluetooth speaker. It’s really loud.
Rowan: Yes, bring your speaker, but I’ll choose the music - not you! Your taste in music is rubbish!
Jack: I’ll bring my speaker, I’ll choose the music, I’ll give Jo a ring, I’ll get the food … we use ‘will’ a lot when we are making decisions.
Rowan: The pronunciation of will is often difficult when we use will because it is often contracted. Listen and repeat these sentences:
Rich: I’ll choose the music.
Rich: She’ll ring Jo.
Rich: They’ll get the drinks.
Rich: We’ll bring the food.
Rich: It’ll be a great party.
Jack: We’ll put a link to more pronunciation exercises with will on the Premier Skills English website, but I think it’s time to move on to the second part of our roleplay.
Introduction to roleplay 2
Rich: You’re about to listen to the second part of the roleplay. You are going to hear three phone calls. Jack is going to call Jo. I’m going to call Jo and Rowan’s going to call Jo.
Rowan: While you listen, we want you to answer two questions.
Jack: Question one is: Where do we invite Jo?
Rich: And question two is: Which invitation does Jo accept?
Roleplay 2
Call 1
Jo: Hi Jack. I haven’t heard from you for a while. How are you doing?
Jack: I’m all right. How are you?
Jo: Not bad. I’m working too much as usual but, you know …
Jack: I know what you mean … that’s kind of why I was calling. What are you up to on Saturday afternoon?
Jo: Er ... I’m not sure yet. Why?
Jack: Well, I was wondering if you’d like to come round for a barbecue and we’re going to watch the match. It kicks off at two.
Jo: The England match er …? Maybe … it sounds like a good plan … I’ve seen that it’s going to be boiling hot this weekend; perfect barbecue weather!
Jack: Is that a yes then?
Jo: Er ..., I’m not sure, yet, Can I get back to you later in the week? I’ll send you a message. What have you been up to lately anyway?
Jack: Oh you know … busy, busy, I’ve actually had some new projects come up ...
Call 2
Jo: Hey Rich. I haven’t heard from you in ages. How are you?
Rich: I’m good, Jo. Really good.
Jo: And how are the kids? I haven’t seen them for months!
Rich: Yeah, they’re keeping me busy. You can usually find me having a kick around in the garden or building elaborate castles out of lego... But they’re at the park right now.
Jo: So, what’s up?
Rich: Oh yeah, well I was calling about this weekend. Are you free?
Jo: I’m not sure yet - I might have something on … why?
Rich: A few of us are planning on going to the cinema on Saturday. Jack and Rowan will be there. Do you want to come along?
Jo: Jack’ll be there?
Rich: Yeah, of course.
Jo: Oh, right. It sounds really good but I’ll have to get back to you. Is that all right?
Rich: Sure - message me when you know. The film starts at two.
Jo: OK. l. Speak soon and say hi to the kids from me.
Rich: Bye and hope to see you Saturday!
Call 3
Jo: Rowan! How are you? I missed you the other day at the gym.
Rowan: Sorry, something came up at the last minute. How was it?
Jo: Great. I got a personal best on the rowing machine!
Rowan: Actually, I was calling about this weekend - about Saturday.
Jo: Ah! Did you want to invite me somewhere?
Rowan: Yes! How did you know?
Jo: Oh, just a hunch, you know, a feeling I had.
Rowan: Do you fancy going out for something to eat on Saturday afternoon?
Jo: Just the two of us?
Rowan: I was thinking that a few of us could go. I think Jack and Rich’ll be up for it, too.
Jo: Oh, but maybe they have other plans?
Rowan: No, I’ve asked them already. So, can you make it? I’m going to book the table for two o’clock.
Jo: I’m not sure - I’ll have to check my diary, but it sounds like a good plan.
Rowan: OK, let me know. Will you be at the gym tomorrow?
Jo: Yeah, I’ll be there at about eight. I can let you know then.
Rowan: See you in the morning then.
Jo: Great, and thanks for the invite.
Language Focus 2
Rich: Before the roleplay, we asked you two questions. The first question was: Where did we invite Jo?
Jack: Well, first I invited Jo to my house for a barbecue to watch the match.
Rich: Then I invited Jo to the cinema.
Rowan: And then I invited Jo out for something to eat.
Jack: And our second question was: Which invitation did Jo accept?
Rich: She didn’t accept any of them. She didn’t exactly say no; she said she would let us know later and things like that. I think she thought something was fishy, something was suspicious, she thinks something is going on.
Rowan: Let’s look at some language we used in the roleplay. I want to look at some phrases we can use to invite people to things.
Jack: All three of us used two different phrases to invite Jo to something. Listen to what I said in the roleplay again:
Jack: I know what you mean … that’s kind of why I was calling. What are you up to on Saturday afternoon?
Jo: Er ... I’m not sure yet. Why?
Jack: Well, I was wondering if you’d like to come round for a barbecue and we’re going to watch the match. It kicks off at two.
Rich: Many informal spoken invitations are quite indirect. Jack’s first question was What are you up to on Saturday?. This isn’t a direct invitation but it’s a way of finding out if someone is available to do something.
Rowan: To be up to is an informal way of saying doing. What are you doing on Saturday? What are you up to on Saturday?
Jack: Then I invite Jo to a barbecue by saying: I was wondering if you’d like to come round for a barbecue.
Rich: Again this is an indirect way of inviting someone to something. It’s also often seen as more polite.
Rowan: The direct question would be: Would you like to come round for a barbecue on Saturday?
Jack: When we change the direct question to an indirect question, we place the auxiliary verb and main verb after the subject and add if.
Rich: Let’s move on to the two phrases I used to invite Jo to the cinema. Listen to this part of the roleplay again:
Rich: Oh yeah, well I was calling about this weekend. Are you free?
Jo: I’m not sure yet - I might have something on … why?
Rich: A few of us are planning on going to the cinema on Saturday. Jack and Rowan will be there. Do you want to come along?
Rowan: Rich did the same thing as Jack. He first asked Jo if she was available then he asked if she was free. The question was: Are you free?
Jack: Rich’s second way of inviting Jo was another question, he said: Do you want to come along? This is a direct question but it’s a very informal invitation.
Rich: The phrasal verb come along means to go somewhere with somebody so it’s a common informal way of inviting people to something. Listen to another example:
Rowan: I got some free tickets to the concert. Do you want to come along?
Jack: OK, let’s now look at the two phrases that Rowan used when inviting Jo to a restaurant. Listen to this part of the roleplay again:
Rowan: Do you fancy going out for something to eat on Saturday afternoon?
Jo: Just the two of us?
Rowan: I was thinking that a few of us could go. I think Jack and Rich’ll be up for it, too.
Jo: Oh, but maybe they have other plans?
Rowan: No, I’ve asked them already. So, can you make it? I’m going to book the table for two o’clock.
Rich: The first phrase that Rowan uses is Do you fancy … This is an informal way of saying Would you like ... .
Jack: The meaning is the same when we use these two phrases for invitations, but there is a difference in grammar.
Rowan: Do you fancy is followed by the gerund form, the -ing form. Do you fancy going out?
Rich: But would you like is followed by the infinitive: Would you like to go out?
Jack: The second example Rowan used was in the question: Can you make it? Again this is quite informal spoken English and it’s quite idiomatic. To make something here means can you go to an event of some kind. Listen to this example:
Rowan: The match starts at six. Can you make it?
Rich: Six? I’m not sure if I can make it but I’ll try my best.
Jack: There are more examples and activities connected to invitations on the Premier Skills English website and also a few links to more resources about this area of language.
Introduction to roleplay 3
Rich: You’re about to listen to the final part of the roleplay. We’re discussing final plans for Jo’s party when Jo calls Rowan.
Rowan: While you listen we want you to answer a question.
Jack: The question is: Which party does Jo go to?
Roleplay 3
Rich: What are you going to bring to Jo’s surprise party again, Jack?
Jack: I’ve already been shopping and got some nibbles and whatnot.
Rowan: You mean crisps, don’t you?
Jack: Not just crisps!
Rich: I’m bringing drinks and I won’t forget the ice. Saturday’s going to be a scorcher.
Rowan: Good ... and the party’s going to be in my garden so I’ll get Jo to the house. I’ve invited her to a restaurant.
Jack: Really? I’ve invited her to watch the match at mine.
Rich: And I’ve invited her to the cinema. We’ve totally messed this up. She must know something’s going on.
(Ring Ring)
Rowan: Oh no. It’s Jo! What am I gonna say?
Rich: Don’t give the game away!
Rowan: Hi Jo. How are you doing?
Jo: I’m good. Sorry about the gym this morning - I overslept.
Rowan: Don’t worry about it. Are you still up for going out for something to eat on Saturday?
Jo: Er .. that’s actually why I’m calling …
Jo: What was that?
Rowan: It was Rich dropping something.
Jo: Oh, Rich is with you - good.
Rowan: And Jack - hold on, I’ll put you on speaker.
Jo: Hi guys!
All: Hi Jo.
Jo: So this weekend ... Rowan I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to make it to the restaurant this weekend.
Rowan: Oh no. What a pity!
Jo: And Jack I’d love to watch the match at yours but I’m not going to be able to. Sorry. Maybe another time?
Jack: Sure. No problem, Jo.
Rich: So, are you going to come to the cinema?
Jo: Sorry, Rich. I really appreciate the invitation but I have something else on.
Rowan: Something else on?
Jo: Yeah! It’s my birthday and I’m having a surprise party. Do you want to come?
Language Focus 3
Rich: Before the roleplay, we asked you a question. The question was: Which party does Jo go to?
Jack: Well, in the end, Jo organised her own party and we were all invited.
Rich: That’s much better for me. I much prefer going to parties than organising them.
Rowan: OK, let’s look at a bit more language. In the final part of the roleplay, Jo said no to all three of our invitations.
Jack: She turned down our invitations; she didn’t accept them.
Rich: But she was very nice about this and very polite and this is the language we want to look at. Have a listen to this part of the roleplay again and think about the phrases Jo used when turning down our invitations:
Jo: So this weekend ... Rowan I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to make it to the restaurant this weekend.
Rowan: Oh no. What a pity!
Jo: And Jack I’d love to watch the match at yours but I’m not going to be able to. Sorry. Maybe another time?
Jack: Sure. No problem, Jo.
Rich: So, are you going to come to the cinema?
Jo: Sorry, Rich. I really appreciate the invitation but I have something else on.
Rowan: Jo used the phrase I’m afraid when she turned down my invitation. We are usually very polite and indirect when we turn down invitations. We like to apologise, say sorry and give reasons why.
Jack: I’m afraid is a way of apologising. You could also say I’m sorry or I’m terribly sorry but here we usually add but.
Rowan: I’m terribly sorry but I’m not going to be able to make it to the restaurant this weekend.
Rich: Another common way of turning down an invitation is by saying how much you really want to do it but you can’t. This is what Jo says to Jack: I’d love to watch the match at yours but I’m not going to be able to.
Jack: Jo also said maybe another time which is a useful phrase to know.
Rowan: Jo used a slightly more formal phrase with Rich when she said ‘I really appreciate the invitation but’ and means that she thought it was nice of Rich to invite her.
Rich: This time, Jo made an excuse she said she had something else on. This means that she was busy; she was doing something else.
Jack: OK, we’ve looked at lots of language in our roleplay and we have lots of extra materials on the website to help you study and understand. We also have the transcript and activities with further examples so we hope to see you there.
Rowan: In this week’s task, we want you to invite all of our listeners and me, Rich, Jack and Jo of course to some kind of party or event.
Rich: Tell us what this party or event is, where it is, what it is for and why it will be brilliant.
Jack: Choose one of the phrases you have learned in this podcast to write your invitation.
Rowan: Then when you see an invitation in the comments section we want you to reply to it and say why you won’t be able to go.
Rich: And again we want you to choose one of the phrases you have learned in this podcast to turn down the invitation.
Jack: Unless you can go and then you should say YES and ask for more details!
Rowan: Write all your invitations and replies in the comments section on the Premier Skills English website.
Football Phrase
Jack: It’s time for this week’s football phrase. Have you got one Rich?
Rich: I have. This week’s football phrase is ********* ****. This phrase is used to refer to the team an adult played for as a kid. I read an article this week that the Manchester City midfielder Ilkay Gundogan had donated his bonus for winning the Premier League to his ********* **** in Germany so they could build a new football pitch.
Rowan: That’s a nice story. I like to hear about footballers donating money and giving to good causes.
Jack: Let’s see who can get this football phrase right and who is first this week. And if you are still wondering what the answer was to last week’s football phrase it was a square ball.
Rich: If you have a football phrase that you would like us to use in the podcast, just get in touch and let us know.
Rowan: Right, that’s all we have time for this week! Don’t forget to write your answers to our questions and make a guess at our football phrase in the comments below. If you get it right, we’ll announce your name on next week’s podcast.
Jack: If you have a question for us about football or English you can email us at premierskills@britishcouncil.org
Rich: or you can leave your questions and comments on the website in the comments section or on our Facebook page.
Rowan: or you could give us a rating and a fantastic review on Apple Podcasts.
Jack: Bye for now and enjoy your football!
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