Speaking Skills: Invitations

In this week's Premier Skills English Podcast, Rowan, Jack and Rich organise a surprise party for their friend Jo. The language focus is on phrases connected to invitations. Don't forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess.

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If the listening was a bit difficult, you can listen again and read the transcript at the same time.

Read and listen at the same time.

How much did you understand?

Here is some of the vocabulary you might have heard in the roleplay. Do you know the words in bold?

Do you think we should throw her a party?

We’ll need to sort out food and drinks and invite some people.

I’m in charge of the music and the drinks.

I’ve seen that it’s going to be boiling hot this weekend.

Sorry, something came up at the last minute.

Oh, just a hunch, you know, a feeling I had.

I’ve already been shopping and got some nibbles and whatnot.

Activity 1: Match the definitions to the words and phrases from the roleplay.

Jack, Rich and Rowan are planning to throw a party for Jo in Rowan's garden.

Jack, Rich and Rowan are planning to throw a party for Jo in Rowan's garden.


In the roleplay, Jack, Rich and Rowan all invited Jo to do something on the phone. Each used different phrases that we can use to invite people to a party or other types of event. Have a look at these parts of the roleplay again and think about how the phrases in bold are used:

Jack: I know what you mean … that’s kind of why I was calling. What are you up to on Saturday afternoon?

Jo: Er ... I’m not sure yet. Why?

Jack: Well, I was wondering if you’d like to come round for a barbecue and we’re going to watch the match. It kicks off at two.

Rich: Oh yeah, well I was calling about this weekend. Are you free?

Jo: I’m not sure yet - I might have something on … why?

Rich: A few of us are planning on going to the cinema on Saturday. Jack and Rowan will be there. Do you want to come along?

Rowan: Do you fancy going out for something to eat on Saturday afternoon?

Jo: Just the two of us?

Rowan: I was thinking that a few of us could go. I think Jack and Rich’ll be up for it, too.

Jo: Oh, but maybe they have other plans?

Rowan: No, I’ve asked them already. So, can you make it? I’m going to book the table for two o’clock.

Activity 2: Look at the sentences and choose the correct word.

Rich invites Jo to the cinema.

Rich invites Jo to the cinema.

Saying no to an invitation

In the final part of the roleplay, Jo turned down Jack's, Rowan's and Rich's invitations. Jo said no to the invitations but she did this in a kind and polite way. Have a look at these parts of the roleplay again and think about how Jo used the phrases in bold:

Jo: So this weekend ... Rowan I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to make it to the restaurant this weekend.

Rowan: Oh no. What a pity!

Jo: And Jack I’d love to watch the match at yours but I’m not going to be able to. Sorry. Maybe another time?

Jack: Sure. No problem, Jo.

Rich: So, are you going to come to the cinema?

Jo: Sorry, Rich. I really appreciate the invitation but I have something else on.

Activity 3: Look at the sentences and write the correct word in each space.

Rowan invites Jo to a restaurant.

Rowan invites Jo to a restaurant.


Which of these phrases did you hear in the podcast?

InvitingAccepting InvitationsDeclining Invitations
Would you like to ...?That sounds great.I think I've got something else on.
Do you fancy (verb + ing) ...?Sure.I'm afraid I can't.
Are you up for ...?Sounds like a plan to me.That's very kind of you, but ...
I was wondering if you'd like to ...I'd love to.I'd love to, but ...
How about (verb + ing) ...?That's very nice of you. Thanks.Maybe another time.


Further resources connected to this lesson:


Do you want to invite everyone to your house to watch the match?

Do you want to invite everyone to your house to watch the match?

In this week’s podcast, we want you to invite all of our listeners and the Premier Skills English team to a party or event.

Part A

  • Tell us what this party or event is, where it is, what it is for and why it will be brilliant.
  • Choose one of the phrases you have learned in this podcast to write your invitation.

Part B

  • When you see an invitation in the comments section we want you to reply and say why you won’t be able to go.
  • Choose one of the phrases you have learned in this podcast to turn down the invitation.
  • Unless you can go and then you should say YES and ask for more details!

Write all your invitations below and don't forget to make a guess at this week's football phrase!

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