Well-being 2: Sleep and Relaxation

In this week's Premier Skills English Podcast, Rich has problems sleeping and Jack thinks he should change his daily routine. The language focus is on words and phrases connected to sleep and healthy routines. In this week's task, we want you to analyse Jack's daily routine and compare it to your own. Don't forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess.

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If the listening was a bit difficult, you can listen again and read the transcript at the same time.

Read the transcript and listen at the same time.

How much did you understand?

Here is some of the vocabulary you might have heard in the roleplay. Do you know the words in bold?

Morning, Rich. You look a bit rough - heavy night?

Well, if you’re not staying up too late it could be something else in your daily routine.

What’s this? A healthy and hearty breakfast.

I sometimes skip breakfast or just grab a coffee.

I always relax an hour before bed - no screentime at all.

Activity 1: Match the definitions to the words and phrases from the roleplay.

Who's this ex-Premier League footballer?

Who's this ex-Premier League footballer?


In the first part of the roleplay, Rich spoke about how he's been having problems sleeping. He used a few words and phrases connected to sleep. Have a look at these parts of the roleplay again and think about how we use the phrases in bold:

Rich: I wish! I went to bed at eleven but I just couldn’t get to sleep. I think I’m suffering from insomnia - I’m definitely not getting enough sleep.

Jack: Well, if you’re not staying up too late it could be something else.

Rich: I don’t know … I’m just feeling tired all the time. The other day I fell asleep when I was watching the match - I missed a goal!

Jack: Yeah, well, on the Premier League website there are loads of articles about looking after yourself and I saw one about how to get a good night’s sleep.

Rich: Sounds good - I wouldn’t mind getting eight hours sleep again every night.

I'm just going to have forty winks before the match starts!

I'm just going to have forty winks before the match starts!

Healthy Routines

In the second part of the roleplay, Jack spoke bout his daily routine and some of his healthy habits. He used a few words and phrases that help you talk about what you can do to be healthy. Have a look at these parts of the roleplay again and think about how we use the phrases in bold:

Jack: No way - not for me. Muesli, grapefruit and yoghurt - I sometimes have pancakes on a Sunday! This gives you plenty of energy to get through the morning.

Jack: Then it’s time to get to my desk and to get productive. I always start by checking messages and checking in with others.

Rich: I’ve probably done that already - I sometimes see messages at two in the morning.

Jack: That could be why you’re having trouble sleeping - you’re not switching off and relaxing.


Jack thinks Rich needs to be healthier.

Jack thinks Rich needs to be healthier.

Being Positive

In the final part of the roleplay, Rich was happy and positive after changing his daily habits. Rich and Jack used a few words and phrases to show that Rich was happy. Have a look at these parts of the roleplay again and think about how we use the phrases in bold:

Jack: Morning, Rich. You look full of beans this morning.

Rich: I have so much more energy. I’m up first thing in the morning and raring to go.

Activity 2: Look at the sentences and choose the correct word.

Rich felt much more positive after a few changes to his daily routine.

Rich felt much more positive after a few changes to his daily routine.

Do you have a similar routine to Jack?

Do you have a similar routine to Jack?


In this week’s podcast, we want you to analyse Jack's daily routine and tell us whether your routine is similar or different to Jack's. Here are some questions to help you think about this:

  • Do you get up early and do some exercise outside?
  • Do you take plenty of regular breaks during the day?
  • Do you have a healthy lunch and dinner?
  • Do you check in with loved ones every day?
  • Do you switch off before you go to bed?

Try to use the words and phrases we introduced in the podcast. Write your answers below and don't forget to make a guess at this week's football phrase!

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