Learning Vocabulary: You've been hacked!

In this week's Premier Skills English Podcast, Jack's computer is hacked and Rich offers some computer advice. The language focus is on words and phrases connected to computers and online safety and your task is to share your top tip for staying safe online. Don't forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess.

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If the listening was a bit difficult, you can listen again and read the transcript at the same time.

Read and listen at the same time.

How much did you understand?

In the podcast, Rich and Jack used some words and phrases that might be new for you. Do you know the words in bold?

Are you OK? You look well hacked off?

No, I can still get in but some weird things are happening.

Do you think someone is watching you? That would freak me out!

OK, I’m going to shut down now. It’s so annoying.

It’ll help you keep your mind off things.

There were a few more tricky words in the podcast. Do you know what they all mean? Try the activity below, then, listen to the podcast again to hear how we used the words.

Activity 1: In this activity, try to match the words and phrases to their definitions.

It's important to stay safe when you're online.

It's important to stay safe when you're online.

Online Problems

In the roleplay, Jack was hacked! Getting hacked is one of the worst things that can happen when you are online. Here is how Jack and Rich defined being hacked in the podcast:  

To be hacked means someone gets into your computer system without permission. Normally, hackers try to get into your email or other accounts to steal data.

Jack and Rich spoke about some of the problems you may have when your computer has been hacked and things that you should try to avoid when you are online. Do you understand the words in bold?

Is there not a big flashing message on your screen saying cyberattack, you’ve been hacked, send me all your money now!

It’s not a ransomware attack. No one has asked me for money.

Cybercrime is worth millions. If we could just use a sticker to stop it …

I’m getting these pop-ups everywhere - adware - malware. I don’t want all this.

Are your passwords not working?

Did you click on a dodgy link in some spam email or something?

My laptop has been infected with a virus.

Have you ever been hacked?

Have you ever been hacked?

Online Solutions

In the roleplay, Jack and Rich spoke about some of the things you can do to check for or solve problems online and how to prevent them from happening in the first place. Do you understand the words in bold?

That’s not a very techy solution, Rich. You can't just cover your camera with a sticker!

Why don’t you update your security software or run a scan?

Turn off my WIFI, unplug the router and then restart my computer in safe mode.

I’ll remove the programmes I’ve installed in the last few days - that might work. Then reboot again.

In this activity, check your understanding of the vocabulary that was introduced in the podcast.

Activity 2: In this activity, check that you understand the adjectives that Jack and Rich used in the podcast.

Do you take precautions when you are online?

Do you take precautions when you are online?

Did you get it?

At the end of the roleplay, Rich told Jack a joke connected to the vocabulary that was introduced in this week's roleplay. Rich found the joke online and thought it was hilarious (very funny), Jack didn't think it was so funny. What did you think? Did you get (understand) it? Was it funny or not?  We've put the joke here because sometimes it can be easier to see jokes written down. Say the joke quickly because then it will work better.

Hey officer, how did the hackers escape? No idea, they just ransomware!

What's your top tip for staying safe online?

Do you scan your computer regularly?

Do you scan your computer regularly?


In this week’s task, we want you to share your top tip for staying safe online. We want you to tell us the one thing you think is most important for online safety.

  • Is it connected to software?
  • Is it about passwords?
  • Is it connected to chatting to people you don’t know?
  • Is it connected to sharing details online?

Write your top tips and reply to other listeners in the comments section below and don't forget to make a guess at this week's football phrase!

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