Learning Vocabulary: Mascots & Nicknames

In this week's Premier Skills English Podcast, Jack is talking about a competition in his local newspaper. His town has a new football club and they need a new mascot and nickname. Who will have the best ideas? Jack? Rich? Or you? The language focus is on the language of giving reasons and the difference between because and because of. Your task is to decide on a nickname and mascot for the new football club in Jack's town. Don't forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess.

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If the listening was a bit difficult, you can listen again and read the transcript at the same time.

Read and listen at the same time.

How much did you understand?

In the podcast, Rich and Jack used some words and phrases that might be new for you. Do you know the words in bold?

I hear your two local football teams are merging.

I imagine Manchester United and Liverpool are quaking in their boots because of this new super club!

That’s why the Ludlow Express - our local newspaper - is running a competition to choose a new nickname and mascot for the club.

The winning idea will be on the club’s badge so it’s got to be good.

That’s hilarious … let me think seriously about this mascot idea.

And the team could play in black and white stripes.

You - running up and down the touchline clucking!

There were a few more tricky words in the podcast. Do you know what they all mean? Try the activity below, then, listen to the podcast again to hear how we used the words.

Activity 1: In this activity, try to match the words and phrases to their definitions.

Sheffield Utd's nickname is the Blades and their mascot is Captain Blade.

Sheffield Utd's nickname is the Blades and their mascot is Captain Blade.

Giving Reasons: Vocabulary

In the podcast, Jack and Rich were thinking of ideas for a mascot and nickname for the new football club in Jack's town. They gave reasons for their ideas. Have a look at the words in bold. Do you understand them?

I’ve never liked that nickname and Athletic is really boring probably because loads of teams have that name. It doesn’t really stand for anything.

The Ludlow Lions or the Ludlow Leopards sounds good. It symbolises strength and you want the team to be strong.

Brighton’s nickname is the Seagulls which represents the sea as Brighton is next to the coast.

The nickname ‘the Irons’ symbolises West Ham’s industrial past.

Norwich City's nickname is the Canaries and their mascot is Captain Canary.

Norwich City's nickname is the Canaries and their mascot is Captain Canary.

Giving Reasons: Language

In the podcast, Jack and Rich spoke about a few bits of language that we use to give reasons. The first phrase they spoke about was 'that's why'. 'That’s why’ is a very common way to give a reason for something. Look at these examples from the podcast:

A: Your Spanish is not that good. B: That’s why I go to classes.

A: My car broke down that’s why I had to walk.

A: It’s raining. B: That’s why I’m taking an umbrella.

Another very common way to give reasons is using the words 'because' and 'because of'. In the podcast, Rich and Jack looked at the differences between the two.

Because of

‘Because of’ is a preposition and needs to be followed by a noun phrase. Look at these examples from the podcast:

Manchester United and Liverpool are quaking in their boots because of this new super club!

I’m staying in because of the rain.

We didn’t win because of the goalkeeper’s amazing performance.

Southend United's mascot is Elvis J. Eel. Jellied eels are a traditional food in the south east of England. Have you ever tried them? Do you know what they are?

Southend United's mascot is Elvis J. Eel. Jellied eels are a traditional food in the south east of England. Have you ever tried them? Do you know what they are?


'Because' is a conjunction and needs to be followed by a verb phrase. Look at these examples from the podcast:

Teams will be worried because we’ll be a bigger team.
I’m staying in because it’s raining.
We didn’t win because their goalkeeper was so good.

In this activity, take a look at the sentences and decide if you should be using 'because' or 'because of'.

Activity 2: Look at the sentences and decide whether to use 'because' or 'because of'.

Choose a mascot and nickname for Jack's football team

Sky Blue Sam is Coventry' City's mascot. Yes, it's an elephant!

Sky Blue Sam is Coventry' City's mascot. Yes, it's an elephant!


In this podcast, Jack and Rich spoke about possible nicknames and mascots for the new football club in Jack's town. We want you to decide if Jack's ideas are best, Rich's ideas are best or if you have a better idea!

What have you decided:

  1. Nickname: The Ludlow Badgers Mascot: Brian the Badger
  2. Nickname: The Ludlow Chickens Mascot: Charlie the Chicken
  3. Nickname: My idea Mascot: My idea

Give reasons for your decisions and write your answers in the comments section below and don't forget to make a guess at this week's football phrase!

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