Learning Vocabulary: I don't believe it!

In this week's Premier Skills English Podcast, Rowan talks to two people that believe the Earth is flat. The language focus is on phrases we use when we believe things and don't believe things. In this week's task, we want you to react to three controversial ideas. Don't forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess.

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If the listening was a bit difficult, you can listen again and read the transcript at the same time.

Read and listen at the same time.

How much did you understand?

Here is the vocabulary you saw at the top of this page and how Rowan, Rich and Jack used it in the roleplay. Do you know the words in bold?

The problem is we’re never sceptical about the mainstream view.

There’s the magic word - gravity. The magic of gravity. Now, I believe gravity exists but ...

I think we're told a lot of truths but possibly not full truths. Maybe half-truths.

I'd never call somebody a liar, but is he mistaken? Absolutely!

You can see things move behind the horizon or in front of the horizon depending on where you look at things from.

Ahh! That’s because the edge of the Earth is in the Antarctic.

Is that not a conspiracy theory? You don’t think it’s just because it’s too cold?

Those videos may look convincing but they are probably made in a Hollywood studio or something.

Listen to the roleplay again to hear how Rich, Rowan and Jack used these words and phrases.


There are people out there that believe the Earth is flat.

There are people out there that believe the Earth is flat.

Believing things 

Let’s start by looking at some words and phrases we can use when we believe something. The simplest thing to say is I believe:

I believe the world is a globe.

He believes the world is flat.

In the roleplay, we used some other phrases to do this. Have a look at the following sentences and think about the phrases in bold:

So, you guys truly believe the earth is flat.

They really do believe it!

I was unsure at first but now I'm totally convinced that aliens exist.

I'm absolutely certain that ghosts exist.

I'm positive that there is life on another planet somewhere.

Rich took this photo while walking his dog the other evening.

Rich took this photo while walking his dog the other evening.

Not believing things

Let’s now look at some words and phrases we can use when we don’t believe something to be true. The simplest thing to say is I don't believe:

I don't believe the world is flat.

He doesn't believe the world is a globe.

In the roleplay, we used some other phrases to do this. Have a look at the following sentences and think about the phrases in bold. Which phrases are used to show stronger feelings and emotions?

The moon landing images are fake? That can't be true!

Government control the weather in Antarctica? I don't believe that for one minute!

Personally, I’m not convinced aliens, ghosts, or fairies exist.

I'm highly sceptical of anything these people say, to be honest.

You can’t stop people believing even if you believe it to be utter nonsense.

The world being flat is probably the most nonsensical suggestion that a thinking human being could possibly make. It's complete drivel!

You’ll have to excuse me but I think much of what you say is a load of codswallop.

The Earth from the Moon. Has anyone really been there?

The Earth from the Moon. Has anyone really been there?

Giving Reasons

In the roleplay, we also used some phrases to give explanations or reasons. Many of these phrases are used to say why we don't believe things. Have a look at the following sentences and think about the phrases in bold:

The evidence suggests that what we've been told is not true.

The laser was straight as an arrow. No curve or bend at all. You can’t deny that kind of evidence.

If there is no evidence or proof then how do we know that something happens or exists.

The flat earth theory was debunked thousands of years ago but some people still believe.

Activity 2: In this activity, complete the sentences with words that you heard in the roleplays.

I don't believe it!

The Moon or a Hollywood studio?

The Moon or a Hollywood studio?


In this week’s task, we want you to react to three things and decide whether they are true or false. Rowan, Jack and Rich were talking about flat earthers and the earth being flat in the roleplay. Most people don't believe this. Look at three things some people believe. Tell us what you think of them in the comments section. Try to use this week’s vocabulary where you can.

  1. A UFO crash-landed in Brazil on Tuesday.
  2. We have five senses.
  3. Human beings evolved from apes.

Write all your answers in the comments section below and don't forget to make a guess at this week's football phrase!

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