Learning Vocabulary - Christmas Confusion

Jack talks about Christmas traditions that his wife, who is from Indonesia, found difficult to understand.

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The Premier Skills English podcast has been going now for 7 years and we have nearly had 10 million listens. Over the years, we have published quite a few Christmas podcasts. We’ve talked about the vocabulary related to Christmas and the festive fixtures. Last year, we made a podcast about presents and the present perfect. So this year, I was a little stumped.

What could I make this year’s Christmas podcast about?

So I asked my wife. You see, my wife is Indonesian. She is from a muslim family and didn’t really celebrate Christmas until we met. But now, we live in the UK and we have two sons and Christmas is a major cultural event. I loved Christmas when I was a kid and I want to share that with my sons and my wife supports this, but there are a few parts of Christmas that she found a little difficult to understand when we first moved to the UK. So I asked her about the things that she found the strangest about Christmas and that’s what I am going to talk about today: the UK’s strangest Christmas traditions.

Tradition number 1. Mince pies

Mince pies

The first of the festive traditions that you might find confusing are mince pies. Mince pies are small individual pies that are filled with mincemeat. And this is the first source of confusion. You see, mince is normally meat that has been through a kitchen tool called a mincer. It’s a bit like a grinder, but it has a little nozzle thing that produces worms of partly ground meat. People use mince to make meatballs and in lots of dishes. But mincemeat is not minced meat. In fact, it has no meat in it. In the past, there was meat in mincemeat. It used to be made out of a mixture of meat and dried fruit and spices, but the meat was dropped over 100 years ago and today, mincemeat is a sweet sugary mixture of raisins and bits of apple and orange and lemon peel and spices. This is put into little pies and baked and is a traditional Christmas treat.

Lots of people get confused about the name, it’s not just my wife. However there is another slightly confusing thing about mince pies. You see, as Christmas approaches and everyone starts getting excited, people talk about all the things they love about Christmas and people love mince pies. There are pictures of them all over the place on Christmas adverts and all the supermarkets start selling them. Throughout the year, people never really eat sweet pies and they never eat mincemeat, but as Christmas approaches, mince pies are suddenly spoken about as if they are the most delicious thing. And this might make you wonder why, if these treats are so good, they are not eaten at other times or the year. And then, if you try them you will discover ... that most of them are not great. You see, good pastry with a sweet and slightly spicy filling, flavoured with raisins and apple and orange and cinnamon and nutmeg and cloves is delicious if it’s right. But often, unfortunately, if you buy mince pies from the supermarket, the pastry is horrible and turns to sand in your mouth and there’s not enough filling so they are really hard to swallow. I think my wife’s first experience of mince pies was with a bad one. She really couldn’t understand why everyone was so excited. For the last few years, I have made a batch myself as it’s something festive I can do with my kids and that way, they are really good, but it took some time to convince my wife that mince pies were not something weird and the British people are collectively delusional about.

OK. Tradition number 2. Christmas cards

Christmas cards

The second of the Christmas traditions that my wife did not understand at first is Christmas cards. In Indonesia, people give birthday cards and Idul Fitri cards, but there’s really not much mail compared to the UK and generally, people prefer to send messages online. So the first year we were in the UK, we were both surprised by the amount of letters and junk that arrived through the letterbox and by the number of Christmas cards we received. There are shops in the UK that just sell greeting cards. And some places sell fancy artistic cards that can be expensive.

It’s wrong to say that my wife doesn’t understand Christmas cards. But I think she finds writing a personalised message quite stressful. You see, you don’t just want to write a meaningless cliche, you have to try to think of something personal, but there are only so many ways you can say merry Christmas. The first year that we sent Christmas cards, I found my wife googling Christmas messages for cards to work out what to write.

These days, it is much easier to send a message online and it’s better for the environment as well. What do you think? Do you send Christmas cards?

Tradition number 3: Boxing day

Boxing day sales

The third Christmas tradition that my wife found ... interesting was Boxing Day. Boxing day in the UK is the day after Christmas day. It’s the 26th of December. When I mentioned Boxing Day to my wife, she asked me why it was called Boxing Day and I had to admit that I didn’t know. When I was a child I thought it had something to do with boxing, the fighting sport. Perhaps everybody got together to watch a boxing match. That’s not very Christmassy, though. I thought, perhaps it was called Boxing Day because everyone was feeling grumpy after Christmas and got into a big fight. Obviously that’s not where the word comes from.

In fact, people do get together to watch sport, but not boxing. Football is the favourite Boxing Day sport and football fans look forward to the Boxing Day fixtures. There is another sport that is popular on Boxing Day and that’s shopping. OK, it’s not really a sport, but there are some people in my family that treat it like a competitive activity. You see, after Christmas, lots of shops have stock that they wanted to sell before Christmas. After Christmas, they have special sales. A sale is an event in a shop where lots of item’s prices are lower. The Boxing Day sales are an important part of Christmas for some people. In fact, some of my relatives don’t give each other Christmas presents till Boxing day and they buy them in the sales so they are cheaper.

The term Boxing Day is not related to the sport of boxing or football or shopping. The term originates from years ago when people would put together a box of gifts, perhaps some food or money for the tradespeople that worked for them throughout the year. Some people still give gifts to their postie and to the bin men or rubbish collectors. In the past, this practice was more common and special boxes were left for people to be collected on Boxing Day, the day after Christmas day.

Tradition number 4. Lots of presents.

Christmas presents

The first Christmas we spent in the UK was just after our first son was born. He was only 2 months old so had no idea, but my niece was three. We were all staying at my dad’s house and on Christmas morning, my niece was very excited to find Santa had been and left an enormous pile of presents. My wife was amazed that there were so many presents. To be honest, she was a bit disgusted by it.

My niece had so many presents that she actually got bored opening them. She was only three and lots of the presents were sensible, things like new socks and colouring pencils, but it all seemed so lavish to my wife that I think she thought it was kind of decadent and vulgar. These are two advanced adjectives. Decadent usually means too self-indulgent. To indulge someone means to give them when they want even if it’s not good for them. If you indulge yourself, you usually eat or drink things that you really like, but that are not healthy. You might also buy yourself things that are expensive luxuries, things you don’t really need. We use the adjective decadent to describe events where people are very indulgent. So luxury hotels are sometimes decadent. The adjective vulgar relates to topics that are considered bad taste and associated with people who have bad manners. So swear words are vulgar, especially sexual swear words. If someone shows off their money and wealth, we also describe that as vulgar. It’s a tricky word.

Now, my wife didn’t describe my niece and her mountain of gifts as vulgar or decadent, but she was shocked by the number of presents.

Tradition number 5. Christmas pudding

Photo by Matt Seymour on Unsplash

Photo by Matt Seymour on Unsplash

The last Christmas tradition that confused my wife was Christmas pudding. If you buy a pudding in Indonesia, you get a cold kind of sloppy desert. It’s like a cross between jelly and ice cream, a bit like a set yoghurt. When we first moved back to England, we moved to Manchester. There is a restaurant in Manchester called Sam’s Chop House and they sell quite traditional food. My wife was pregnant at the time and very sensitive to different smells. When I ordered steak and kidney pudding, she almost had to leave the restaurant. It’s really delicious. It’s like a big suet dumpling packed around a rich steak and kidney filling. But the thought of a steak and kidney pudding was a bit much for my wife. So that first Christmas, when my stepmum asked my dad to turn the lights off for the Christmas pudding, my wife had no idea what to expect. Minutes later, my stepmum came from the kitchen with a large plate with a strange round cake on it that was on fire. It was covered with blue flames that leaped in flashes of orange as the Christmas pudding was carefully placed on the table. After about a minute, the fire flickered out and we had the lights back. It turns out that a Christmas pudding is a type of sweet fruit pudding, a kind of boiled cake. Before it is served, it is traditional to pour heated brandy over the pudding which is then burnt. The cake itself doesn’t burn, just the alcohol from the brandy.

Christmas Challenge

Can you work out the answers to these Christmas quiz questions? If you know the answers, leave them in the commenst section at the bottom of this page.

Number 1. Traditional Christmas songs share part of their name with lots of girls. What are they called?

Number 2. Children in the UK always wish for a white Christmas, but what is it that makes a Christmas white?

Number 3. Santa is an abbreviated form of which Christian saint?

Number 4. Before people in the UK start their Christmas dinner, they work together to open small presents which normally contain weird little toys, a joke, a paper hat and a tiny explosive. What are they?

Number 5. What do people decorate with lights, tinsel and baubles and put presents under?

Number 6. As well as mince pies, a type of meat is traditionally eaten at Christmas that is rarely eaten at other times. What is it?

Number 7. Pigs in blankets are eaten in lots of different countries, but the ingredients are different, especially the blankets. In the UK, what are pigs and what are their blankets?

Number 8. What adjective is collocated with Christmas in the most common Christmas greeting? ______ Christmas.

Leave the answers if you know them on the page for this podcast on Premier Skills English.


This week, I would like you to think about the following questions. It would be great if you could share your ideas in the comments section on the page for this podcast on Premier Skills English. If you don’t celebrate Christmas, I’d love to hear your ideas and about yoru experiences of a similar festival in your country.

  1. What’s the strangest Christmas tradition in your country?
  2. Do you eat any special food at Christmas that you don’t eat at any other time of year?
  3. People say that Christmas is the season for giving. For children, it’s really the season for getting. What do you think is more important?

Football phrase

Today’s phrase is a ******* ******. This is an unbroken series of victories. Usually, we use this phrase to say that a team has won every match they have played for as long as ... this lasts. I chose this phrase after reading an article on the Premier League website about Harry Kane who has scored in all 6 of his Boxing Day appearances and wants to keep this ****** going.

Leave your answers to the Challenge, the Task and the Football phrase in the comments section below.

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