Digital Literacy: Using Technology Part 2

In this Premier Skills English Podcast, Jack has a problem with his mobile phone and asks Rowan for some help. As you already know, Rowan is a technical whizz and is the go-to person for any problems with technology. The language focus is on clarifying and checking instructions as well as vocabulary connected to mobile technology. Your task is to tell us about a tech problem you have had when you needed to ask for help on the phone or online. Don't forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess.

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If the listening was a bit difficult, you can listen again and read the transcript at the same time.

Read and listen at the same time.
Do you take lots of photos on your phone?

Do you take lots of photos on your phone?

Repeating Instructions 

In the roleplay, Jack asked Rowan for some help with his mobile phone. Rowan gave Jack lots of instructions. Jack asked Rowan to slow down and repeat a few times. Look at these sentences from the roleplay and check that you understand the words and phrases in bold.

Jack: Yeah err … settings and then … sorry can you back up a little. Can you tell me that again? I’m looking for storage but I can’t see it anywhere.

Here are some more phrases we can use to ask someone to repeat something. Did you hear these phrases in the podcast?

Can you repeat that, please?

Can you tell me that again, please?

Would you mind repeating that, please?

Would you mind running that past me again?

I didn’t quite catch that. Can you say that again?

Activity 1: In this activity, select the right words in each question.

Do you always have your phone with you?

Do you always have your phone with you?

Checking Instructions

Instructions can sometimes be too fast and we might not catch them all. Jack asked Rowan to back up a little because he hadn’t heard everything. Look at this part of the dialogue gain. What phrases does Rowan use to check that Jack has understood or to go back, or slow down?

Rowan: You’ve missed a step. You need to tap on device care first and then you’ll see it.

Jack: Right, got it and now I’m looking for something that says format?

Rowan: Hang on. You’ve skipped a bit again. You can’t do that until you’ve tapped on the advanced settings and then you’ll see portable storage. Have you got that?

Activity 2: In this activity, look at part of the dialogue you listened to earlier and fill in the gaps.

Do you make lots of video calls?

Do you make lots of video calls?

Tech Support: Your experiences

Have you ever had to phone a call centre tech because of a problem with your computer?

Have you ever had to phone a call centre tech because of a problem with your computer?

Your task is to tell us about a tech problem you have had and you have needed to ask for help on the phone or online.

  1. What was the problem? Who did you contact?
  2. How difficult was it to follow the instructions? 
  3. Did you have to ask the person on the other end of the call to repeat instructions? Did you have to ask for some clarification?
  4. Can you imagine having to do this in English? Have you ever had to do this in English?

Tell us your experiences of calling tech support or a call centre either from home or at work.

Write all your answers in the comments section and make a guess at this week's football phrase!.

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