Digital Literacy: Fake News 1

In this Premier Skills English Podcast, Rich is sharing a football rumour online that is not true. The language focus is on words and phrases connected to believing things too easily Your task is to tell us about a time you believed something that in the end was not true. Don't forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess.

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Rowan and Jack are waiting at a bus stop in the roleplay. Can you see them?

Rowan and Jack are waiting at a bus stop in the roleplay. Can you see them?

Believing things too easily

In the roleplay, Rich believed some gossip and then shared it. Rowan and Jack said he believes things too easily. There were a few phrases to describe believing things too easily and people who believe things too easily. Look at these sentences from the roleplay. Do you understand the words in bold?

Jack: But it’s mainly football and he falls for it all - he’s so gullible. Did you see what he shared yesterday?

Rowan: I know - sharing the article about Messi signing for Liverpool. He thinks it’s true. He said that he was off to get Messi on the back of his Liverpool shirt.

Jack: I don’t know how he’s tricked into believing these things. Isn’t it really obvious that these articles are all made-up? He’s not that naive normally, is he?

Rowan: I think he deceives himself because he wants to believe it.

Jack: Maybe we should speak to him about it. He can’t be taken in so easily. Maybe he hasn’t been - perhaps he’s just joking.

Activity: In this activity, test how well you have learned the words from the podcast.

Rich thinks Lionel Messi is signing for Liverpool but I think he's in for a surprise!

Rich thinks Lionel Messi is signing for Liverpool but I think he's in for a surprise!

Believing what you read: Have you ever been taken in?

Did you believe it when you heard that Ronaldo was returning to Manchester United?

Did you believe it when you heard that Ronaldo was returning to Manchester United?

In this podcast, Rich shared a football rumour online that was not true. Your task is to tell us about a time when you believed something to be true when it wasn’t. Try to answer these questions:

  1. What did you believe to be true that wasn’t?
  2. Who did you tell? Did you share the story online?
  3. How did you discover that it wasn’t true? What did you do and how did you feel?
  4. Do you consider yourself to be gullible or naive sometimes?

Write all your answers in the comments section and make a guess at this week's football phrase!.

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