Medium: A solo run

Premier Vocabulary is a mini-podcast for you to learn football English one word at a time. We have three different levels for you: easy, medium and hard.

This episode is medium so we’re looking at football words and phrases you need to describe what’s happening on the pitch or words and phrases fans and commentators on TV might use. There are lots of phrasal verbs to learn at this level.

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Learn more football vocabulary with Premier Skills English. Each lesson in our Premier Vocabulary section looks at one football word or phrase. This lesson looks at the phrase a solo run.

You can find more lessons on the side of this page.


Hello, my name’s Jack and welcome to Premier Skills English - Premier Vocabulary.

Premier Skills English is here to help you with your football English. Premier Vocabulary is a mini-podcast for you to learn football English one word at a time.

We have three different levels for you: easy, medium and hard.

This episode is medium so today we’re looking at a football phrase you use to describe what’s happening on the pitch or a phrase fans and commentators on TV might use.

The phrase I’m looking at in this episode is a solo run. Now normally, I’d be recording this with Rich, but he’s not around today so I’m doing this on my own. You could say that this episode of Premier Vocabulary is a solo run.

You see the adjective solo is used to say that something is done by one person on their own. You might hear about someone sailing solo or flying solo which means they are sailing a boat or flying a plane on their own. Sometimes, when a music group or band breaks up, the individual members try going solo which means they are trying to write and record music on their own.

It can also be a noun which you hear a lot in music. The most common musical solo is in rock music, the guitar solo. This is the part of the song where the guitarist in the group gets to play some exciting flashy music that usually involves fast playing and a display of guitar skill.

So today, I am recording this podcast solo, without Rich or Laura or Rowan.

The football phrase today is a solo run. This is used to describe when a player takes the ball past lots of their opponents on their own. Earlier in the week, we looked at the word dribble and this is closely related. When a player dribbles the ball past their opponents or even when they are unopposed if they take the ball a long way towards the goal, this can be described as a solo run. It’s always really exciting to watch players make solo runs on the pitch, dribbling around defenders and towards the goal.

If a player is brilliant enough to score a goal at the end of a solo run, it’s called, you can probably guess, a solo goal.

There is the final whistle!

We’ll be back soon with more Premier Vocabulary from Premier Skills English.

Bye for now and enjoy your football.

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