200 words

In this section, you can learn the 200 most important words for talking about football.


Football vocabulary

This Football English lesson presents, practises and tests 10 football words that are related to fans and supporters.

By Jack

Coaching equipment

Football vocabulary

This Football English lesson presents, practises and tests 10 football words that are used to describe the different equipment used by coaches.

By Jack


Football vocabulary

This Football English lesson presents, practises and tests 10 football words that are related to coaching.

By Jack


Football vocabulary

This Football English lesson presents, practises and tests 10 football words that are related to different types of foul.

By Jack


Football vocabulary

This Football English lesson presents, practises and tests 10 football words that are related to football clubs.

By Jack


Football vocabulary

This Football English lesson presents, practises and tests 10 football words that describe football actions.

By Jack


Football vocabulary

This Football English lesson presents, practises and tests 10 football words that are related to football stadiums.

By Jack


Football vocabulary

This Football English lesson presents, practises and tests 10 football words that are related to referees and officiating.

By Jack

The pitch

Football vocabulary

This Football English lesson presents, practises and tests 10 football words that are related to the different parts of a football pitch.

By Jack


Football vocabulary

This Football English lesson presents, practises and tests 10 football words that are related to the clothes footballers wear.

By Jack

The match

Football vocabulary

This Football English lesson presents, practises and tests 10 football words that are related to the game of football.

By Jack


Football vocabulary

This Football English lesson presents, practises and tests 10 football words that are related to players and positions.

By Jack

The game

Football vocabulary

This Football English lesson presents, practises and tests 10 football words that are related to the game of football.

By Jack

The cup

Football vocabulary

This Football English lesson presents, practises and tests 10 football words that are related to to cup competitions.

By Jack

Refereeing a match

Football vocabulary

This Football English lesson presents, practises and tests 10 football words that are related to refereeing a football match.

By Jack

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