All players put a bib in their own shorts, so that part of the bib is visible hanging to the side or back.

Before players start ‘grabbing’ bibs they move around the area doing football-related dynamic movements.
Players are tasked with ‘grabbing’ bibs off other players with the aim of getting as many bibs as possible, starting at low intensity.
Players move around the area trying to avoid having their own bibs taken. Players cannot hide or protect their bib.
If a player loses their bib they continue trying to get another players bib.
If a player successfully grabs a bib, they then place this in their shorts and then try to avoid having this bib taken.
If there are not enough bibs for all players, then there is an option to start with some players without a bib tasked with ‘grabbing’ bibs off the players with bibs.
Development - Warm-up
Use these progressions to manage the activity.

Progression 1
Use the activity to develop player’s agility, balance, coordination and speed (ABCS) by encouraging players to travel and move in a variety of different ways. This can either be coach-led such as instructing players to hop, skip, walk, moving backwards or player-led where they are encouraged to be creative in coming up with different ways to travel. This can be done both with and without a ball.
Progression 2
Make the activity into a team game. Players are divided into 2 teams and all players have a bib. A time limit is set and the aim is for your team to end up with more bibs than the opposing team. This can be done both with a without a ball.
Use these ideas to progress and change the activity.

- Adjust the size of the overall area – smaller area helps develop agility and awareness, a larger area helps develop acceleration
- Create safe zones where players can rest for 3 secs
- Introduce movement challenges – you must play the game walking, jogging, sprinting, hopping, sideways, skipping, moving backwards
- Remove bibs to increase the number of grabbers
- Add a football(s) - player(s) with a/the ball cannot have their bib ‘grabbed’, encouraging players to pass
- Change the number of grabbers
- Play the activity in teams
- Set time limits - the challenge is to still have a bib at the end of a given period
- Change the space size (s) to affect the intensity
Your turn
What do you think of this activity?
What skills do you think this activity develops?
Thinking about STEPS, how would you adapt this activity?
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