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Dribbling - Running bases


Both attacking and defending players have a ball. Attacking players must dribble from box to box and reach as many as they can by avoiding defenders. There is no set order and no limit on how many bases players can go to.

Running bases - diagram

Defenders carry a bib and when they tag an attacker they switch roles. Players are safe in any one of the 5 bases.

The activity can start either without a ball with or unopposed.

Development - Warm-up

Use these progressions to manage the activity.

The community festival

Progression 1

Defenders without a ball try to tag an attacker. If successful, they hand over the bib and then use their ball to dribble as an attacker. Only one player allowed in a base at one time. If a new player enters a base, the old player must leave.

Progression 2

Competition is added where attackers have to try and score as many points as possible in a set time – either a player's score returns to zero if they lose the ball or their score continues when they next become an attacker.


Use these ideas to progress and change the activity.

A football coach at work in South Africa


  • Adjust the size of the overall area
  • Changing the size of the bases
  • Adding safe zones


  • How players enter and exit the bases - challenge players to exit a specific side, encouraging, turning and changing direction
  • Work on a set dribbling move


  • Removing footballs from defenders
  • Changing the number of bases


  • Change the number of defenders and attackers
  • Place defenders in certain bases


  • Increase/ decrease the competition to adjust tempo
  • Set time limits for resting in bases
  • How the defenders can move – walking/jogging

Your turn

What do you think of this activity?

What skills do you think this activity develops?

Thinking about STEPS, how would you adapt this activity?

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